04 Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery™ Advanced Threat Detection 4.0 Training for Certified Professionals / Update Course


Upcoming Sessions and Registration:

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1-day Update Course Trend Micro Partners

1-day Update Course Trend Micro Customers

Please purchase training seats prior to registration.


Bevorstehende Schulungen und Anmeldung:

Trend Micro Partners

Trend Micro Customers

1-day Update Course Trend Micro Partners

1-day Update Course Trend Micro Customers

Schulungsplätze bitte vor der Anmeldung erwerben.

Target Audience

Designed for IT professionals who are responsible for protecting networks from any kind of network, endpoint, or cloud security threats.

The individuals who will typically benefit the most include:

  • SystemAdministrators
  • Network Engineers
  • Support Engineers
  • Integration Engineers
  • Security Operation Centers
  • Solution and Security Architects


Entwickelt für IT-Experten, die für den Schutz von Netzwerken vor jeglichen Bedrohungen im Bereich Netzwerk-, Endpunkt- oder Cloud-Sicherheit verantwortlich sind.

Zu den Hauptzielgruppen gehören die Verantwortlichen für:

  • Systemadministration
  • Netzwerk
  • Support
  • Integration
  • Security Operation Centers
  • Solution- und Sicherheitsarchitektur


Upon completion of this course, participants may choose to complete the certification exam to obtain designation as a
Trend Micro Certified Professional for Deep Discovery.


Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses können die Teilnehmer die Zertifizierungsprüfung ablegen, um um den Titel Trend Micro Certified Professional for Deep Discovery zu erhalten.

Course Description

Trend Micro Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Detection 4.0 Training for Certified Professionals is a three-day, instructor-led training course where participants will learn how to use Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Protection solutions to detect, analyse, and respond to advanced threats and targeted attacks.

Participants explore key concepts and methodologies using the following blend of Deep Discovery products for a more complete approach to network security:

  • Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer
  • Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector
  • Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector
  • Trend MicroTM Deep Discovery Director

This course provides a variety of hands-on lab exercises allowing each student to put the lesson content into action. There will be an opportunity to set up and configure various Deep Discovery management and administration features and  explore their functionality using a virtual lab environment.

A comprehensive look at the purpose, features, and capabilities of Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Protection solutions. This includes recommendations on best practices and general troubleshooting steps for a successful implementation, along with long-term maintenance of Deep Discovery solutions in your environment.

The course also explores various deployment considerations and requirements needed to tie Deep Discovery into various other Trend Micro solutions, like Trend Micro Vision OneTM, to enhance threat hunting and intelligence sharing, for better threat detection functionality.

This course is taught by Trend Micro certified trainers and incorporates a variety of hands-on lab exercises, allowing participants to put the lesson content into action.


Der Kurs “Trend Micro Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Detection 4.0 Training for Certified Professionals” ist ein dreitägiger, von einem Trainer geleiteter, Schulungskurs. Die Teilnehmer lernen, wie sie die Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Protection-Lösungen einsetzen, um komplexe Bedrohungen und gezielte Angriffe zu erkennen, zu analysieren und darauf zu reagieren.

Die Teilnehmer setzen sich mit Kernkonzepten und Methoden auseinander und nutzen eine Kombination verschiedener Deep Discovery-Produkte, um eine ganzheitliche Netzwerksicherheitsstrategie zu entwickeln.

  • Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer
  • Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector
  • Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector
  • Trend MicroTM Deep Discovery Director

Der Kurs umfasst eine Vielzahl praxisorientierter Übungen, die es den Teilnehmern ermöglichen, das Gelernte anzuwenden. Dabei erhalten sie die Gelegenheit, verschiedene Deep Discovery-Management- und Administrationsfunktionen einzurichten, zu konfigurieren und deren Funktionalität in einer virtuellen Laborumgebung zu erkunden.

Ein umfassender Überblick über den Zweck, die Funktionen und die Möglichkeiten der Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Protection-Lösungen wird vermittelt. Dazu gehören auch bewährte Verfahren und allgemeine Fehlerbehebungsschritte für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung sowie die langfristige Wartung der Deep Discovery-Lösungen in Ihrer Umgebung.

Zudem behandelt der Kurs verschiedene Aspekte der Bereitstellung und die Anforderungen für die Integration von Deep Discovery in andere Trend Micro-Lösungen, wie Trend Micro Vision One™, um Bedrohungsanalysen und den Austausch von Sicherheitsinformationen zu verbessern und somit eine effektivere Erkennung von Bedrohungen zu ermöglichen.

Dieser Kurs wird von Trend Micro zertifizierten Trainern unterrichtet und beinhaltet eine Vielzahl praktischer Übungen, die es den Teilnehmern ermöglichen, die Lerninhalte in die Praxis umzusetzen.


Before you take this course, Trend Micro recommends that you have a working knowledge of their products and services, as well as basic networking concepts and principles.

Experience with the following products and technologies is also necessary:

  • Windows servers and clients
  • Firewalls, web application firewalls, packet inspection devices
  • General understanding of malware

Participants are required to bring a laptop with a recommended screen resolution of at least 1980 x 1080 or above and a display size of 15” or above.
A second screen is advantageous for labs i.e. lab guide on one screen and virtual environment on the other.


Kenntnisse über Trend Micro-Plattformen und -Lösungen sowie ein  Grundverständnis von Netzwerkkonzepten und Prinzipien sind hilfreich.

Erfahrungen mit den folgenden Produkten und Technologien sind ebenfalls erforderlich:

  • Windows Server und Clients
  • Firewalls, Webanwendung Firewalls, packet inspection devices
  • Allgemeines Verständnis von Malware

Participants are required to bring a laptop with a recommended screen resolution of at least 1980 x 1080 or above and a display size of 15” or above.
A second screen is advantageous for labs i.e. lab guide on one screen and virtual environment on the other.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose, features, and capabilities of Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Detection solution
  • Deploy and configure the following Deep Discovery products:
  • Deep Discovery Analyzer
  • Deep Discovery Inspector
  • Deep Discovery Email Inspector
  • Deep Discovery Director
  • Analyze detected threats and share threat intelligence with Incident Response/Security Ops Centers
  • Create custom sandboxes for virtual analysis of suspicious objects
  • Manage suspicious objects and share threat intelligence with integrated security products
  • Centrally manage firmware and component updates through Deep Discovery Director

Ziel des Kurses

Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses sind die Teilnehmer in der Lage:

  • Den Zweck, die Funktionen und die Möglichkeiten der Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Detection-Lösung zu beschreiben
  • Die folgenden Deep Discovery-Produkte bereitzustellen und zu konfigurieren:
  • Deep Discovery Analyzer
  • Deep Discovery Inspector
  • Deep Discovery Email Inspector
  • Deep Discovery Director
  • Erkannte Bedrohungen zu analysieren und Bedrohungsinformationen mit Incident Response/Security Operations Centern zu teilen
  • Benutzerdefinierte Sandboxes für die virtuelle Analyse verdächtiger Objekte zu erstellen
  • Verdächtige Objekte zu verwalten und Bedrohungsinformationen mit integrierten Sicherheitsprodukten zu teilen
  • Firmware- und Komponentenupdates zentral über Deep Discovery Director zu verwalten

Training Outline

Überblick über den Kurs

Trend Micro Product Overview



Trend Micro Deep Discovery Product Family

Deep Discovery Analyzer

Network Setup

What is Deep Discovery Analyzer Looking For?

Creating and Importing a Sandbox Images

Deep Discovery Analyzer Tools

Submitting Samples to Deep Discovery Analyzer

Suspicious Objects List Management

MITRE ATT&CKTM Framework Tactics

and Techniques

Deep Discovery Inspector

Network Service Diagnostics

Deep Discovery Inspector Deployment


Phases of a Targeted Attack

Case Study: APT36 (Earth Karkaddan)

Attack Chain and Malware Arsenal

Indicators of Compromise

Deep Discovery Threat Detection


Deep Discovery Inspector Best Practice and Configuration

Deploying Deep Discovery Inspector

Configuring Initial Network Settings

Best Practice Configurations and Management

Working with Logs and Reports

Troubleshooting (Packet Capturing)

Analyzing Detected Threats in Deep Discovery Inspector

Working with Threat Dashboards

Obtaining Key Information for Analyzing Threat Detections

Viewing Hosts with Command-and-Control Callbacks

Connecting to a Virtual Analyzer for Sandbox Analysis

Dealing with Aggressive or False Positive Detections

Deep Discovery Email Inspector

Deployment Topologies

Email Scanning Technologies

Integration with Trend Micro Products

Deploying Deep Discovery Email Inspector

Installing and Configuring Deep Discovery Email Inspector

Network Configuration

Virtual Analyzer Sandbox Configuration


Deep Discovery Email Inspector Administration

Analyzing Detections

Policy Management

Configuring Scanning / Analysis

Policy Management

Configuring Virtual Analyzer for Sandbox Analysis

Using Debug Functions

Deep Discovery Director

Installing Deep Discovery Director

Connecting Deep Discovery Products to Deep Discovery Director

Sending Logs to a Syslog Server

Deployment Plans

Managing Threat Detections through Deep Discovery Director

Viewing Email Messages with Malicious or Suspicious Content

Configuring Rules for Detection

Threat Intelligence Interoperability (STIX, TAXII)

Trend Micro Vision One Overview

Trend Micro XDR

Trend Micro Vision One

Trend Micro Vision One Apps

Trend Micro Managed XDR Service

Deep Discovery Inspector and Trend Micro Vision One

Deploying Network Inventory Service

Downloading the Deep Discovery Inspector Image

Creating a Virtual Machine for Deep Discovery Inspector on VMware ESXi

Configuring Deep Discovery Inspector Network Settings

Connecting Deep Discovery Inspector with Trend Micro Vision One


Connecting Deep Discovery Inspector with Service Gateway


DeepDiscoveryThreat Detection Technologies

